"Fassbender hardly counts seeing as he was undercover."
"The younger son in Frialty is called Adam."
"What are the films in the mindfuck section? I know Donnie Darko, but I cant think of the rest? Great list btw, we have similar film interests. "
"Inland Empire is somed up in one piece of dialog from it. Nikki Grace/Sue Blue - 'I dont know what happened and the whole thing is just a layin' a big mind-fuck on me'"
"It highly annoys me how Lynch's best film grossedthe least..."
"I think Fool'sGold is a very underrated peice of cine - I am sorry but I couldnt even finish that sentence..."
"Once you see a Lynch film you will never lokk back! =D"
"So I am guessing you enjoyed the TV shows of The God Channel?"
"WTF do you find erotic about Antichrist??? Sick and disturbing movie..."
"Sorry for this buthere is a link to a surreal short I directed, just trying to get it viewed. I am also looking for constructive feedback. I am posting it here because I am very heavily inluenced by L"
"Sorry for this buthere is a link to a surreal short I directed, just trying to get it viewed. I am also looking for constructive feedback. I am posting it here because I am very heavily inluenced by L"
"Sorry for this buthere is a link to a surreal short I directed, just trying to get it viewed. I am also looking for constructive feedback. I am posting it here because I am very heavily inluenced by L"
"You need to watch some British comedians. They are AMAZING. Michael McIntyre, Bill Bailey, Russell Howard and Milton Jones are personal favourites."
"Tarantino and Samual L. Jackson and Uma Thurman?"
"How are some of these people good. Most of them drank and drugged themselves to an early grave. Wasted talent, but thats all."
"Machete should be added. Machete takes the Manly Meter, kicks it in the balls then has nasty ass sex with its girlfriend on top of his red Chevvy."
"Definatly recommend Dr. Who, FAQ About Time Travel, and Donnie Darko."
"Just because Inland Empire is a tough watch the first time doesn't make it a bad film."
"Stanley Kubrick should be added for the people who spend their days reading about aliens and bill gates being satan."
"Mulholland Drive has several actors playing dual roles."